Archive of Piero Guccione

Artist's archive

On 5 May 2018, the Piero Guccione Archive, a non-profit cultural association, was established in Rome.
The Archive aims to promote the knowledge and protection of the figure and works of Piero Guccione at a national and international level, deepening the study of the figure and work of the artist, with particular reference to the following activities:

- examine, study, authenticate and document the work of Piero Guccione;

- collect, catalog and archive all the documentation relating to his work and his Person. To achieve this aim, the Association reserves the right to take direct inspection of all those works for which the documentation collected and investigations conducted are not exhaustive;​

- take care of and promote the publication of documents, essays, catalogues, letters, biographies, literary works, IT aids (CD Roms, websites but not only);

- organise, also on behalf of third parties, special initiatives such as exhibitions, conferences and seminars, promote exhibitions and initiatives aimed at disseminating, valorising and celebrating the Person and work of the Artist, also founding Study Centers and Museums;

- protect the figure of the artist and defend his artistic heritage from counterfeiting and illicit activities;

- protect places linked to the Artist such as the studio and home;

The Archive's Steering Committee is chaired by the artist's daughter, Paola Guccione.

Tailor-made solutions

Archive of Piero Guccione

Artist's archive

On 5 May 2018, the Piero Guccione Archive, a non-profit cultural association, was established in Rome.
The Archive aims to promote the knowledge and protection of the figure and works of Piero Guccione at a national and international level, deepening the study of the figure and work of the artist, with particular reference to the following activities:

- examine, study, authenticate and document the work of Piero Guccione;

- collect, catalog and archive all the documentation relating to his work and his Person. To achieve this aim, the Association reserves the right to take direct inspection of all those works for which the documentation collected and investigations conducted are not exhaustive;​

- take care of and promote the publication of documents, essays, catalogues, letters, biographies, literary works, IT aids (CD Roms, websites but not only);

- organise, also on behalf of third parties, special initiatives such as exhibitions, conferences and seminars, promote exhibitions and initiatives aimed at disseminating, valorising and celebrating the Person and work of the Artist, also founding Study Centers and Museums;

- protect the figure of the artist and defend his artistic heritage from counterfeiting and illicit activities;

- protect places linked to the Artist such as the studio and home;

The Archive's Steering Committee is chaired by the artist's daughter, Paola Guccione.

Tailor-made solutions